Anna Bello
Anna is from Ventura County and graduated Cum Laude with a B.A. in Multimedia with an emphasis in Graphic Design/Print. Anna was inspired by a class she took in 8th grade for graphic design. She loved the freedom to create within this major whether it is 3D, 2D, animated or still. She has been inspired by many artists throughout her life, but Ten Hundred on YouTube has been the most influential for her. Through his ability to produce his own music, artwork and unique editing abilities; Anna believes his well roundedness and his willingness to embrace new challenges are the qualities that make him stand out. Those are the traits she continues to strive for in her artistic pursuits. Her favorite digital mediums are Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Canva and Procreate. She is proficient in experimenting with different physical art mediums such as painting on unconventional canvas', spray painting, papier mâché, inkwork and much more. She had been on the California Lutheran women’s golf team all four years and was inducted in the Scholar Athlete Society.